# Linux Shell (Bash) Part
print("Linux Shell (Bash) Example:")
print("Hello, World! This is a Bash script.")
# Python I/O Part
print("\nPython I/O Example:")
name = input("Enter your name: ")
print("Hello, " + name + "! This is Python.")
# Python Tricks!
print("\nPython Tricks! Example:")
print("Even numbers from 1 to 10:", list(range(2, 11, 2)))
# JavaScript Output
print("\nJavaScript Output Example (in the browser console):")
print("Open your browser's console to see the JavaScript output.")
# JavaScript Output with an API Request
print("\nJavaScript Output with API Request (in the browser console):")
print("Open your browser's console to see the JavaScript output.")
# JavaScript Input
print("\nJavaScript Input Example (in the browser console):")
print("Open your browser's console and enter 'Hello' when prompted.")
Linux Shell (Bash) Example:
Hello, World! This is a Bash script.
Python I/O Example:
Hello, ! This is Python.
Python Tricks! Example:
Even numbers from 1 to 10: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
JavaScript Output Example (in the browser console):
Open your browser's console to see the JavaScript output.
JavaScript Output with API Request (in the browser console):
Open your browser's console to see the JavaScript output.
JavaScript Input Example (in the browser console):
Open your browser's console and enter 'Hello' when prompted.